Document # Public Document # Document Type Date Issued Sort ascending Description
88-150 88-150 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/20/1988 Permission to file a combined return
88-144 88-144 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/20/1988 DISC adjustment
88-147 88-147 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/20/1988 Caterer labor charges
88-140 88-140 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/20/1988 Sale of operations
88-138 88-138 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/20/1988 Job Corps contractors
88-191 88-191 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/18/1988 Estimated Income Tax By Individuals
88-133 88-133 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/14/1988 Contractors; Replacement windows and doors
88-130 88-130 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/13/1988 Communication system for government; Research and development
88-128 88-128 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/13/1988 Lease between affiliated companies
88-131 88-131 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/13/1988 Interior decorators purchasing fees
88-123 88-123 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/13/1988 Capital gains
88-132 88-132 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/13/1988 ACRS modifications
88-11 88-189 Tax Bulletins 06/13/1988 Special Use Tax on Construction Equipment Brought Into Virginia
88-129 88-129 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/13/1988 Safety, maintenance, and pollution control equipment
88-124 88-124 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/07/1988 Independent Living Skills Program
88-127 88-127 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/07/1988 Property withdrawn from resale inventory for own use and then shipped out-of-state
88-125 88-125 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/07/1988 Accelerated Cost Recovery System (ACRS) deductions
88-126 88-126 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/07/1988 DISC adjustment; ACRS modifications
88-10 88-188 Tax Bulletins 06/06/1988 Interest Rates; Third Quarter 1988
88-267 88-267 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/03/1988 Bio-Medical Applications of Roanoke, Inc.
88-9 88-187 Tax Bulletins 06/01/1988 1988 Legislative Changes: Income Taxes
88-188 88-188 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/01/1988 Interest Rates; Third Quarter 1988
88-186 88-186 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/01/1988 1988 Legislative Changes: Retail Sales and Use Tax, Watercraft
88-190 88-190 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/01/1988 Estimated Income Tax By Fiduciaries
88-6 88-184 Tax Bulletins 06/01/1988 1988 Tax Changes Affecting Localities