Document # Public Document # Document Type Date Issued Sort ascending Description
86-158 86-158 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/31/1986 Training programs
86-162 86-162 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/31/1986 Interest on bonds issued by political subdivisions of Virginia
86-163 86-163 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/31/1986 Purchases and sales by property management service
86-145 86-145 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/31/1986 Contractor; Materials for contract with nonprofit organization
86-155 86-155 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/31/1986 Personal use of company automobile
07311986 Attorney General's Opinion 07/31/1986 Foreign Importer; Multiple Localities
86-148 86-148 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/31/1986 Government contractor operating a visitors center for the Federal government
86-151 86-151 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/31/1986 Sailing vessel charters
86-147 86-147 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/31/1986 Computer software license and maintenance services
86-143 86-143 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/25/1986 Bank merger; Taxability of exchange of common stock
86-142 86-142 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/23/1986 Aircraft registration and licensing
86-141 86-141 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/23/1986 Conveyance upon corporate liquidation; Refund request
86-140 86-140 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/18/1986 Bond interest
86-156 86-156 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/18/1986 Nonprofit veterans organization; Lodgings and accommodations; Exemption criteria
86-139 86-139 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/16/1986 Permission to file a consolidated return
86-136 86-136 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/15/1986 Foreign source partnership income
86-134 86-134 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/15/1986 Sign installation
86-137 86-137 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/15/1986 Foreign source income subtraction
86-135 86-135 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/15/1986 Foreign source partnership income
86-138 86-138 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/15/1986 Foreign source partnership income
86-129 86-129 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/14/1986 Capital not otherwise taxed
86-132 86-132 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/14/1986 Property tax on leased property; Gross proceeds defined
86-131 86-131 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/14/1986 Bulk purchase of order forms by mail order businesss
86-130 86-130 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/14/1986 Religious commune; Application of exemption to churches
86-133 86-133 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/14/1986 Permission to file a combined return