Document # Public Document # Document Type Date Issued Sort ascending Description
84-61 84-61 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/08/1984 Check sales; Ordering charges; Sales price
84-59 84-59 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/08/1984 Film rentals
84-58 84-58 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/03/1984 Wire services, Professional service transactions
84-57 84-57 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/03/1984 Lease agreement
84-51 84-51 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/01/1984 Virginia Retail Sales and Use Tax Regulation 1-47
84-55 84-55 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/01/1984 Virginia Retail Sales and Use Tax Regulation 1-74
84-54 84-54 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/01/1984 Virginia Retail Sales sad Use Tax Regulation 1-65
84-52 84-52 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/01/1984 Virginia Sales and Use Tax Regulation 1-8.2
84-53 84-53 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/01/1984 Virginia Retail Sales and Use Tax Regulation 1-63
84-50 84-50 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/25/1984 Assessment adjustment
84-48 84-48 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/16/1984 Fabrication labor; Charges to cut steel
84-111 84-111 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/15/1984 Tobacco Tax: Discount on Cigarette Tax Stamps, Emergency Regulation
84-12 84-94 Tax Bulletins 04/12/1984 1984 Legislative Changes in Forest Products Tax
84-46 84-46 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/11/1984 Analyzing or testing; Limits of research and development exemption
84-45 84-45 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/11/1984 Withdrawals from inventory
84-102 84-102 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/11/1984 Purchases by federal instrumentality
84-44 84-44 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/11/1984 Construction equipment purchases out-of-state
84-151 84-151 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/11/1984 Spouse liability; Joint return filed
84-268 84-268 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/09/1984 Redress from Circuit Court ruling
84-47 84-47 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/09/1984 Consolidated or combined returns
84-267 84-267 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 03/30/1984 Purchasing agent
84-43 84-43 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 03/30/1984 Purchasing agent
84-42 84-42 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 03/27/1984 DISC income; Capital loss income
84-41 84-41 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 03/26/1984 Construction contractor with partnership income
84-40 84-40 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 03/22/1984 Bank mortgage lending program