Document # Public Document # Document Type Date Issued Sort ascending Description
84-21 84-21 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 02/14/1984 Alternative method of allocation
84-19 84-19 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 02/09/1984 Radio station purchase leaseback transaction
84-5 84-18 Tax Bulletins 02/03/1984 Form 1099-G, Statement for Recipients of Certain Government Payments
84-18 84-18 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 02/03/1984 Form 1099-G, Statement for Recipients of Certain Government Payments
84-16 84-16 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/31/1984 Appointment of Railroad/Pipeline Appraisal Manager
84-3 84-16 Tax Bulletins 01/31/1984 Appointment of Railroad/Pipeline Appraisal Manager
84-15 84-15 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/31/1984 Retirement account holding U.S. Treasury obligations
84-4 84-14 Tax Bulletins 01/26/1984 Tobacco Tax Stamps for Packages of 25 Cigarettes
84-14 84-14 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/26/1984 Providing Tobacco Tax Stamps in denominations which will permit the sale of cigarettes in packages of 25 cigarettes.
84-12 84-12 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/18/1984 Use tax audit; Evidence of tax payment
84-13 84-13 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/18/1984 Aircraft purchased out-of-state; Destroyed after first use in Virginia
84-11 84-11 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/17/1984 Merchant seaman; Estimated tax payments
84-10 84-10 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/13/1984 Penalty for late filing and payment
84-9 84-9 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/13/1984 Subsidiary DISC in a consolidated return
84-8 84-8 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/06/1984 Permission to file a combined return
84-5 84-5 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/06/1984 Abatement of assessment
84-7 84-7 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/06/1984 Penalty
84-4 84-4 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/06/1984 Penalty
84-6 84-6 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/06/1984 Abatement of assessment
84-2 84-2 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/01/1984 State Interest Rates
84-179 84-179 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/01/1984 VIRGINIA SOFT DRINK EXCISE TAX REGULATIONS
84-149 84-149 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/01/1984 VIRGINIA TAXATION OF PARTNERSHIPS REGULATIONS
84-182 84-182 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/01/1984 VIRGINIA WRIT TAXES REGULATION
84-163 84-163 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/01/1984 VIRGINIA ESTATE TAX REGULATIONS
84-1 84-1 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/01/1984 DONALD C. LAVOIE,MARY G. LAVOIE