Document # Public Document # Document Type Date Issued Sort ascending Description
82-94 82-94 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/07/1982 Vending Machines Sales
82-95 82-95 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/07/1982 VA withholding tax to a qualified cash or deferred arrangement plan
82-96 82-96 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/07/1982 Equipment purchased or leased by a franchisee
82-93 82-93 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/06/1982 Audit, correction of a use tax assessment
82-92 82-92 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/01/1982 Standard deduction for taxpayer who itemizes for federal purposes.
82-91 82-91 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/01/1982 Sales Factors
82-90 82-90 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/30/1982 Agricultural Cooperative Associations
82-18 82-90 Tax Bulletins 06/30/1982 Agricultural Cooperative Associations
82-10 82-89 Tax Bulletins 06/28/1982 1982 Legislative Changes.
82-89 82-89 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/28/1982 Legislative Updates
82-86 82-86 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/18/1982 Domicile Questionnaire
82-87 82-87 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/18/1982 Residential contractor and speculative builder engaged in business in Virginia.
82-84 82-84 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/15/1982 Hog Excise Tax
82-7 82-78 Tax Bulletins 06/15/1982 Repeal of Additional 2% Tax on Motor Fuel
82-15 82-82 Tax Bulletins 06/15/1982 Omnibus Tax Bill
82-76 82-76 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/15/1982 Machinery, tools, supplies etc.
82-82 82-82 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/15/1982 Omnibus Tax Bill
82-85 82-85 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/15/1982 Earned or business income
82-78 82-78 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/15/1982 Motor Vehicle Fuels Sales Tax: Repeal of additional 2% sales tax on retail sale of motor fuel in the Northern Virginia Transportation District
82-77 82-77 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/15/1982 Employee safety an integral part of the production of a product.
82-79 82-79 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/15/1982 Local tax for enhanced emergency telephone services
82-16 82-83 Tax Bulletins 06/15/1982 1982 Legislative Changes
82-12 82-79 Tax Bulletins 06/15/1982 Enhanced Emergency Telephone Services
82-80 82-80 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/15/1982 1982 Legislative Changes
82-17 82-84 Tax Bulletins 06/15/1982 Hog Excise Tax