Document # Public Document # Document Type Date Issued Sort ascending Description
82-57 82-57 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/05/1982 Intercompany payables and receivables
82-56 82-56 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/29/1982 Capital not otherwise taxed
82-54 82-54 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/27/1982 Capital were erroneously reported
82-55 82-55 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/27/1982 Pricing structure during Happy Hour
82-53 82-53 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/23/1982 State Legislator's Travel Expenses Away From Home
82-4 82-53 Tax Bulletins 04/23/1982 State Legislators; Travel Expenses Away from Home
82-51 82-51 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/21/1982 Capital employed in business
82-50 82-50 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/20/1982 Net operating losses
82-48 82-48 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/15/1982 DISC
82-49 82-49 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/15/1982 Exempt status of schools having a racially discriminatory policy
82-47 82-47 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/14/1982 Jeopardy Assessment
82-3 82-38 Tax Bulletins 04/11/1982 Interest and Regulated Investment Companies
82-46 82-46 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/09/1982 State/Federal Tax Information Exchange Agreement
82-43 82-43 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/09/1982 Capital taxes assessed
82-42 82-42 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/09/1982 Insurance agency, accounts receivable from a stockholder, income tax refunds receivable and master notes
82-41 82-41 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/07/1982 Franchise and Rights, Interstate contract carrier
82-40 82-40 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/07/1982 Coal mine operators
82-39 82-39 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/02/1982 Domicile
82-52 82-52 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/02/1982 Determining whether an operation is industrial
82-38 82-38 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/01/1982 Tax Exempt Interest and Regulated Investment Companies
82-34 82-34 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 03/30/1982 Combined return
82-36 82-36 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 03/30/1982 Unreported taxable income, jeopardy assessments
82-35 82-35 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 03/30/1982 Assessed capital taxes and commercial domicile
82-33 82-33 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 03/29/1982 Computer software.
82-31 82-31 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 03/25/1982 Individual retirement account