Document # Public Document # Document Type Date Issued Sort ascending Description
22-3 22-36 Tax Bulletins 03/04/2022 Virginia's Interest Rates Will Change for the Second Quarter of 2022
22-2 22-35 Tax Bulletins 03/03/2022 Virginia Disposable Plastic Bag Tax Enacted in the City of Falls Church
22-1 22-34 Tax Bulletins 02/23/2022 Virginia's Conformity to the Internal Revenue Code Advanced to December 31, 2021
22-33 22-33 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 02/15/2022 Subtractions : Qualified Technology Business - Revenue Requirement
22-30 22-30 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 02/15/2022 Subtraction : Retirement Income - Calculation
22-27 22-27 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 02/15/2022 Airline Exemption : Common Carrier -Taxability of meals/snacks/beverages furnished by airline without specific charge to passengers; Meals - Food furnished to passengers
22-31 22-31 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 02/15/2022 Credit : Tax Paid to Another State - California
22-28 22-28 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 02/15/2022 Exemption: Real Property vs. Tangible Personal Property : Research and Development
22-32 22-32 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 02/15/2022 Allocation and Apportionment : Alternative Method - Passive Investment Income of Domiciled Entity
22-29 22-29 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 02/15/2022 Tangible : Assessment - Burden of Proof; Intangible : Inventory - Consumable USB Applications; BPOL : Administration : Penalty and Interest - Offer in Compromise
22-165 22-165 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 02/10/2022 Court Case : Apportionment - Property Factor, Assets Used to Produce Virginia Taxable Income, Aging Tobacco
22-26 22-26 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 02/08/2022 Credit : OSC - Maryland; Administration : Assessment - Interest Waiver
22-23 22-23 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 02/08/2022 Tangible Property : Administration - No Jurisdiction
22-24 22-24 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 02/08/2022 Compliance and Amnesty Penalty Abatement
22-21 22-21 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 02/08/2022 Residency : Domicile - Taxpayer Successfully Established New Domicile
22-25 22-25 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 02/08/2022 Residency : Domicile - Foreign Country
22-22 22-22 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 02/08/2022 Deduction : Long Term Healthcare - No Federal Deduction Taken; Subtractions : Retirement Income - Contributions Not Previously Taxed
22-16 22-16 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/25/2022 Credit : Tax Paid to a Foreign Country - Canada, Proof of Payment
22-13 22-13 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/25/2022 Administration : Audits - Taxpayer Records
22-17 22-17 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/25/2022 Credit : Research and Development - Application Due Date Strictly Enforced, Reliance on Tax Practitioner
22-14 22-14 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/25/2022 Withholding, Sales : Responsible Officer, Converted Assessment
22-18 22-18 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/25/2022 Administration: Appeals - Statute of Limitations, Burden of Proof; Audits - Estimated Assessments;
22-15 22-15 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/25/2022 Residency : Domicile - Different States, Driver's License, Voter Registration
22-19 22-19 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/25/2022 Administration : Assessment - Federal Changes, Statute of Limitations; Deduction : Age - Threshold for Faze Out
22-12 22-12 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/25/2022 Subtractions : Retirement Income - Contribution must be taxed; Federal Adjusted Gross Income (FAGI) : Community Property - IRA Distribution is Separate Income; Administration : Written Advice - Advice Must Be in Writing