Document Number
Tax Type
Consumer Use Tax
Retail Sales and Use Tax
Provider of commercial/ residential reconstruction services contests audit
Appropriateness of Audit Methodology
Date Issued

December 19, 2013

Re: § 58.1-1821 Application: Retail Sales and Use Tax

Dear *****:

This is in response to your letter submitted on behalf of ***** (the "Taxpayer") in which you seek correction of the consumer use tax assessment issued for the period May 2006 through April 2012. I apologize for the delay in responding to your appeal.


The Taxpayer provides commercial and residential reconstruction services. The Taxpayer contests the inclusion of certain transactions in the audit. The Taxpayer provides documentation, a spreadsheet, and a summary of the documents presented in support of its contention that the contested transactions should be removed from the audit.


The Taxpayer contends that certain transactions should be removed from the audit for the following reasons:
  • (1) The sales tax has been previously paid, as evidenced by an invoice or receipt;
    (2) Sales tax is not due on transactions for services;
    (3) Transactions were double counted in the audit;
    (4) Transactions are for exempt purchases from a using and consuming contractor; and
    (5) Transactions were made at retail outlets where the sales tax would have been charged.

The Taxpayer also identifies certain transactions in the audit that it is not contesting, and has remitted a payment of tax to the Department with respect to those transactions.

Virginia Code § 58.1-102 states that "It shall be the duty of every taxpayer to retain suitable records and documents substantiating all information contained on any return required by this subtitle and any such other pertinent records or documents as the Tax Commissioner may require by regulation. The records and documents shall be preserved for a period of three years from the required date for filing a return to which such records or documents pertain."

Virginia Code § 58.1-205 1 states that "Any assessment of a tax by the Department shall be deemed prima facie correct." The taxpayer has the burden of proving that the tax assessed by the Department is incorrect.

With Va. Code § 58.1-102 and Va. Code § 58.1-205 in mind, the documentation presented by the Taxpayer has been reviewed by the Department. Adjustments to the audit assessment can only be made based upon accurate records of the transactions at issue and the Taxpayer's ability to demonstrate that the assessment of tax is incorrect. The Purchases and Assets transactions at issue are addressed below.


Line Items 1-4

The invoices provided by the Taxpayer do not indicate that the property at issue was installed by the vendors. Rather, the invoices indicate that the property at issue was picked up by the Taxpayer. Accordingly, the tax on these transactions was properly assessed in the audit.

Line Items 5, 8, 15-17, 19, 21-26, 28, 31-36, 39-42, 44-53

The Taxpayer did not provide invoices for these line items. The Taxpayer has not met its burden of proving that the tax as assessed is incorrect. Accordingly, these line items will remain in the audit.

Line Items 6, 9, 18, 55-60

The Taxpayer is not contesting the inclusion of these transactions in the audit. Accordingly, no action is required by the Department.

Line Items 7, 10-13, 20, 27, 30, 37, 38, 54

Based upon the documentation provided, these transactions will be removed from the audit.

Line Item 14

The invoice provided did not include sales tax. Accordingly, this transaction is properly included in the audit and will not be removed.

Line 29

The invoice provided does not correspond to the transaction included in the audit. Accordingly, this transaction will remain in the audit.

Line Item 43

This transaction is a duplicate and will be removed from the audit.


Line Item 1

Based upon the documentation provided, this transaction will be removed from the audit.

Line Items 2, 4, 6

The Taxpayer is not contesting the inclusion of these transactions in the audit. Accordingly, no action is required by the Department.

Line Item 3

This transaction is a duplicate and will be removed from the audit.

Line Items 5, 7-9

The Taxpayer did not provide invoices for these line items. The Taxpayer has not met its burden of proving that the tax as assessed is incorrect. Accordingly, these line items will remain in the audit.


In accordance with this determination, the assessment will be revised by the appropriate field audit staff. A revised bill, with interest accrued to date, will be mailed to the Taxpayer once the revisions are complete. No additional interest will accrue provided the outstanding assessment is paid within 30 days of the date of the bill. Please remit payment within 30 days from the date of the bill to: Virginia Department of Taxation, Office of Tax Policy, Appeals and Rulings, Attn: *****, Post Office Box 27203, Richmond, Virginia 23261-7203.

The Code of Virginia sections cited are available on-line at in the Laws, Rules and Decisions section of the Department's web site. If you have any
questions about this determination, you may contact ***** in the Department's Office of Tax Policy, Appeals and Rulings, at *****.
                • Sincerely,

Craig M. Burns
Tax Commissioner


Rulings of the Tax Commissioner

Last Updated 08/25/2014 16:46