Document Number
Tax Type
Fixed asset schedules overstated: Assets replaced, were obsolete or were no longer on the premises.
Local Taxes Discussion
Tangible Personal Property
Taxable Income
Date Issued

April 29, 2013

Re: Taxpayer: *****
Locality: *****
Business Tangible Personal Property Tax

Dear *****:

You request a reconsideration of Public Document (P.D.) 12-160 (10/12/2012), in which the Department upheld assessments of Business Tangible Personal Property (BTPP) Tax issued to ***** (the "Taxpayer") by the Commissioner of Revenue of the ***** (the "City") for the 2007 through 2009 tax years.

The following determination is based on the facts on the facts presented to the Department summarized below. The Code of Virginia sections and public documents cited are available on-line at in the Laws, Decisions and Rulings section of the Department's web site.


In P.D. 12-60, the Department determined that the Taxpayer had failed to provide sufficient documentation to the City to show that its fixed asset schedules were overstated and that certain assets that had been replaced, were obsolete, or were no longer on the premises. The Taxpayer now seeks a redetermination, contending the Department based its decision on erroneous facts.


Under the provisions of Va. Code § 58.1-3109 6, the local commissioner of the revenue is empowered with the authority to require records and other information necessary to make an accurate assessment of a person's tangible personal property. It is incumbent upon the taxpayer to prove to the satisfaction of the local taxing authority that it properly reported the value of its property on its BTPP returns. See Va. Code § 58.1-3983.1 B 4.

In the Taxpayer's case, the City determined that the revised depreciation schedules provided by the Taxpayer were insufficient to prove the value of the Taxpayer's business tangible property. When examining a taxpayer, a locality may adjust an assessment based on the evidence provided. When a taxpayer fails to maintain or provide sufficient records on which to make an accurate assessment, the locality may adjust an assessment as it deems necessary and assess such additional tax in accordance with Va. Code § 58.1-3903.

The Taxpayer contends that it was not aware of the City's contention that displays were being used as office furniture when P.D. 12-160 was issued. The City's final determination stated that a number of assets were still located at the definite place of business that the Taxpayer claimed as disposals. In its response to the Taxpayer's appeal to the Tax Commissioner, dated May 24, 2012, the City indicated that some of this property included former displays. The City should have provided a copy of this correspondence to the Taxpayer.

The Taxpayer also disagrees with the Department's conclusion concerning possible depreciation deductions on federal income tax returns. The Taxpayer states that all of the property it desires to exclude from the property tax returns was fully depreciated on its federal return. The Taxpayer believes filing an amended federal income tax return is moot as it would not change the federal income tax liability. Regardless of whether the property was reported on a federal depreciation schedule or not, the determination as to whether a particular item of property was located on the Taxpayer's premises on tax day is a factual matter for the City to determine.

The Department can only make a determination based on the facts provided by or ascertained from a taxpayer or a locality. It is the responsibility of the locality and the taxpayer included in the appeal to clearly articulate and document the facts of a case. See Title 23 of the Virginia Administrative Code (VAC) 10-500-720. In addition, Department procedures require the parties involved in local tax appeals to ensure that each party is provided with copies of any and all documentation or correspondence submitted with regard to such appeal.


After carefully reviewing the issues and facts provided, I find no basis to change my previous determination. In P.D. 12-160, the Taxpayer was given 30 days to provide additional documentation to the City to substantiate an accurate accounting of its assets. If the Taxpayer has not provided this documentation to the City, the assessments will be upheld and the City may proceed with collection action.

Within the time permitted by statute, the Taxpayer may file an appeal with the appropriate circuit court for review pursuant to Va. Code §§ 58.1-3983.1 G and 58.1­3984. The law provides that neither the Tax Commissioner nor the Department shall be made party to such an appeal merely because the Tax Commissioner has ruled on the issue.

If you have any questions regarding this response, you may contact ***** in the Office of Tax Policy, Appeals and Rulings, at *****.


Craig M. Burns
Tax Commissioner


Rulings of the Tax Commissioner

Last Updated 08/25/2014 16:46