Document Number
Tax Type
Communications Sales and Use Tax
Local Taxes
Communications Sales and Use Tax Trust Fund.
Communications Sales and Use Tax
Local Taxes Discussion
Date Issued

May 10, 2013

Re: Ruling Request: Communications Sales and Use Tax

Dear *****:

This is in response to your request for a ruling dated July 5, 2012, authorizing the ***** (the "Town") to receive a percentage share of the distribution from the Communications Sales and Use Tax Trust Fund.


During Fiscal Year 2006, the Town received ***** in telecommunications and television cable funds. However, the Town has never received a distribution from the Fund as these revenues were not certified by the Auditor of Public Accounts ("APA") because the amount was not submitted to the APA in a timely fashion as required by Va. Code § 58.1-662. The Town requests a ruling to authorize it to receive a percentage share of distribution from the Fund based on these revenues.


Effective January 1, 2007, House Bill 568 (Acts of Assembly 2006, Chapter 780) replaced many of the state and local communications taxes and fees with a centrally administered state Communications Sales and Use Tax, a Landline E-911 Tax, and a Cable Rights-of-Way Use Fee. Revenues from these new taxes and fees are deposited into the Fund and, after the deduction of administrative costs and the costs of the Virginia Relay Center, are distributed to local governments to replace the revenues from the repealed taxes and fees.

House Bill 568 provided that the percentage share of the net revenue that each locality receives is determined by the APA. Each locality's percentage share is based on the percentage of telecommunications and television cable funds the locality received in Fiscal Year 2006 based on local tax rates adopted on or before January 1, 2006. The formula included local funds from any consumer utility tax on landline and wireless telephone service; E-911 tax on landline telephone service; portion of the local BPOL tax on public service companies exceeding .5% currently billed to customers in some grandfathered localities; cable television franchise fees; local consumer utility tax on cable television; and video programming excise tax on cable television services ("Telecommunications and Television Cable Funds"). Localities were required to report these revenues to the APA by October 1, 2006.

Beginning July 1, 2009, legislation enacted in the 2009 Session of the General Assembly amended Va. Code § 58.1-662 to allow localities to report to the Department of Taxation ("Department") any Telecommunications and Television Cable Funds collected in Fiscal Year 2006 from local tax rates adopted on or before January 1, 2006 that were not submitted, or were incorrectly submitted, to the APA in order to receive, or correct, monthly distributions from the Fund. The locality could report such Telecommunications and Television Cable Funds to the Department by either an audited financial statement or a statement of receipts verified in writing by an independent certified public accountant.

Legislation enacted in the 2010 Session of the General Assembly amended Va. Code § 58.1-662 to change the procedures for a locality to request an adjustment of its percentage share of distribution from the Fund. Beginning July 1, 2010, a locality may request a ruling from the Department adjusting its distribution from the Fund so long as the aggregate redistribution from all other localities does not exceed $100,000. A locality is required to present evidence to the Department that it collected Telecommunications and Television Cable Funds in Fiscal Year 2006 from local tax rates adopted on or before January 1, 2006 before obtaining a ruling from the Department.

The Town has provided documentation from a communications service provider, town records, and bank statements as evidence that it collected Telecommunications and Television Cable Funds in the amount of ***** in Fiscal Year 2006 from local tax rates adopted on or before January 1, 2006. Accordingly, it is my determination that the Town is authorized to receive a percentage share of the distribution from the Fund beginning with the first distribution after July 5, 2012. As soon as the Department has made the appropriate systems changes, the Town will receive its percentage share of the current distribution from the Fund. The Town will also receive an additional amount representing its share of prior distributions made after July 5, 2012.


The Va. Code sections and regulations cited, along with other reference documents, are available on-line in the Laws, Rules, & Decisions section of the Department's web site, located at If you have any questions about this determination, you may contact ***** in the Office of Tax Policy, Policy Development Division, at *****.
                • Sincerely,

Craig M. Burns
Tax Commissioner


Rulings of the Tax Commissioner

Last Updated 08/25/2014 16:46