Document Number
Tax Type
Individual Income Tax
Withholding Taxes
Assessed for underreporting sales and failure to withhold income tax from employee
Collection of Tax
Taxable Transactions
Taxable Income
Withholding of Tax
Date Issued

March 4, 2014

Re: §58.1-15821 Application: Individual Income Tax

Dear *****:

This will reply to your letter in which you request correction of the individual income tax assessment issued to ***** (the "Taxpayers") for the taxable years ending December 31, 2008 through 2010. I apologize for the delay in responding to your letter.


The Taxpayers, a husband and wife, were members of ***** (VALLC). Under audit, VALLC was assessed for underreporting sales for the period April 2007 through July 2010. VALLC was also assessed for failure to withhold income tax from employee's wages for the taxable periods January 2008 through September 2009.

In addition, individual income tax assessments for the taxable years at issue were issued to each member based on the increased sales of VALLC. The assessments were computed by multiplying the underreported sales for each taxable year by the member's ownership percentage and then applying Virginia's individual income tax rate schedule to determine the amount of tax.

The Taxpayers appeal the assessments, contending one of the other members of VALLC took over control of the bookkeeping sometime during the spring of 2008. They believe this member was responsible for the underreporting of sales. Further they assert that they did not receive any economic benefit from the additional income and request that all liabilities of the partnership be transferred to managing partners.



Virginia Code § 58.1-301 provides that terminology and references used in Title 58.1 of the Code of Virginia will have the same meaning as provided in the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) unless a different meaning is clearly required. For individual income tax purposes, Virginia conforms to federal law in that it starts the computation of Virginia taxable income with federal adjusted gross income (FAGI).

As a general rule, the Department relies on the accuracy of information and computations reflected on the federal income tax return when reviewing Virginia individual income tax returns. If the information provided on the federal return looks reasonable, there is generally no reason to look behind those computations. However, the Department retains the authority to adjust FAGI where there is clear evidence that the amounts reported on the federal or Virginia income tax return are not consistent with the IRC. See Va. Code § 58.1-219.

Income of VALLC

The Department has found that when a dealer underreports sales, receipts reported on its income tax return may be likewise understated. In such circumstances, the Department has found it appropriate to make corresponding adjustments to the dealer's income tax return. See Public Document (P.D.) 04-64 (8/24/2004).

The sales reported on VALLC's income tax returns were almost identical to that which was reported for sales and use tax purposes. In addition, the Department found VALLC had underreported income tax withholding from its employees' wages. Pursuant to Va. Code § 58.1-219, the Department was within its authority to adjust VALLC's sales and salaries reported on its 2008 through 2010 income tax returns.

Income from Limited Liability Companies

In P.D. 97-343 (8/28/1997), the Department ruled that it would follow the federal election made by a limited liability company pursuant to the "check the box" regulations under Treas. Reg. § 301.7701-1 et seq. In fact, Virginia's conformity statute requires such a ruling because a limited liability company that is treated as a partnership or a disregarded entity for federal income tax purposes will have no federal taxable income as a starting point for computing its Virginia taxable income. See Va. Code § 58.1-301.

In this case, VALLC elected to be treated as a partnership for federal income tax purposes. Virginia generally conforms to the federal treatment of partnerships. A partnership, as such, is not subject to income tax. Any income tax arising from the income of the partnership is the liability of the partners. Under IRC § 702(b), "The character of any item of income, gain, loss, deduction, or credit included in a partner's distributive share . . . shall be determined as if such item were realized directly from the source from which realized by the partnership or incurred in the same manner as incurred by the partnership." In addition, each item of pass-through entity income, gain, loss or deduction has the same character for an owner for Virginia income tax purposes as for federal income tax purposes. See Va. Code § 58.1-391 B. This would include a limited liability company that elects to be treated as a partnership for federal income tax purposes.

Under IRC § 61(a)(13), gross income also includes a taxpayer's distributive share of partnership gross income. When an LLC elects to be treated as a partnership for federal income tax purposes, a distributive share of the income would be included in a member's FAGI. Based on this reasoning, the auditor attributed the increase in VALLC's sales proportionally to each member based on ownership percentages reported on Form K-1.

Computational Errors

As indicated above, the income tax assessments were computed directly from the underreported sales. This computation fails to account for impacts the additional income might have on the Taxpayers' income tax returns. In addition, information gathered during this review indicates that some employees were paid in cash. As a result, withholding assessments were issued against VALLC. However, the income tax assessments fail to consider any unreported salary and wages discovered during the withholding audit. As such, the assessments for the 2008 through 2010 taxable years contain computational errors.


Based on this determination, the Taxpayers were responsible for income tax resulting from their proportional share of VALLC's income. Accordingly, the Department was correct in issuing assessments against the Taxpayers for the 2008 through 2010 taxable years.

However, as indicated above, the Department's method for determining the additional liability requires revision. Accordingly, the audit will be returned to the auditor in order to adjust the audit report and assessments in accordance with this determination. Once the auditor makes the appropriate adjustments, the Taxpayers will receive revised bills for the 2008 through 2010 taxable years. The Taxpayers should remit payment for the outstanding balance as shown on the revised bill within 30 days from the date of the revised bill to avoid the accrual of additional interest.

The Code of Virginia sections and public documents cited are available on-line at in the Laws, Rules & Decisions section of the Department's web site. If you have any questions regarding this determination, you may contact ***** in the Office of Tax Policy, Appeals and Rulings, at *****.
                • Sincerely,

Craig M. Burns
Tax Commissioner


Rulings of the Tax Commissioner

Last Updated 08/25/2014 16:46