Document Number
Tax Type
Cable TV converters are intangible property exempt from BTPP tax.
Taxpayers' Remedies
Date Issued

May 12, 2015

Re:      Appeal of Final Local Determination
            Taxpayer:        *****
Locality:     *****
Business Tangible Personal Property Tax

Dear *****:

This final state determination is issued upon the application for correction filed by ***** (the "Taxpayer") with the Department of Taxation.  The Taxpayer appeals an assessment of business tangible personal property (BTPP) tax issued to the Taxpayer by the ***** (the "County") for the 2014 tax year.

The BTPP tax is imposed and administered by local officials.  Virginia Code § 58.1-3983.1 D authorizes the Department to issue determinations on taxpayer appeals of BTPP tax assessments.  On appeal, a BTPP tax assessment is deemed prima facie correct, i.e., the local assessment will stand unless the taxpayer proves that it is incorrect.

The following determination is based on the facts presented to the Department summarized below.  The Code of Virginia sections and public documents cited are available on-line at in the Tax Policy Library section of the Department's website.


The Taxpayer is affiliated with a cable television provider.  In order to receive the cable service, customers must have a converter, also known as a set top box.  The converters are owned by the Taxpayer and are issued to cable customers by the cable television provider.

The Taxpayer classified the converters as intangible personal property on its 2014 BTPP return filed with the County.  The County audited the Taxpayer for the 2014 tax year and issued an assessment of BTPP tax.  The Taxpayer appealed contending the boxes were intangible property exempt from the BTPP tax.  In its final determination, the County determined that the converters were machinery subject to tax.  The Taxpayer has filed an appeal with the Tax Commissioner, contending the converters are intangible property not subject to the local taxation.


The Department has held in numerous determinations that converters should be classified as intangible property exempt from the BTPP tax.  See Public Document (P.D.) 12-163 (10/16/2012), P.D. 12-199 (12/16/2012), P.D. 14-68 (5/21/2014) and P.D. 14-70 (5/21/2014).  In fact, the Department has addressed the classification of converter boxes for a previous Taxpayer appeal of the County's final determination for the 2008 through 2010 tax years.  See P.D. 12-162 (10/16/2012).


Based on information provided and the analysis set forth in the public documents cited above, I find that the converters were intangible property exempt from BTPP tax under Va. Code § 58.1-1101 A 2a.  As such, I am remanding the case back to the County to abate any assessment issued for the 2014 tax year based on the converters being subject to the BTPP tax.   If you have any questions regarding this determination, you may contact  ***** in the Office of Tax Policy, Appeals and Rulings, at *****.


Craig M. Burns
Tax Commissioner



Rulings of the Tax Commissioner

Last Updated 05/28/2015 08:46