Document Number
Tax Type
Retail Sales and Use Tax
Register with Tax to collect sales tax on sales of certain publications.
Property Subject to Tax
Date Issued
August 11,1982


This letter will reply to your memorandum of July 7, 1982, regarding the applicability. of the Virginia sales tax to copies of books and documents ************** Commission.

Our policy with respect to these sales, as set forth in Sales and Use Tax Policy Statement 82-2, requires state agencies to register as a dealer with this department and collect sales tax on sales of certain publications. An application for registration is enclosed.

Upon request, we will process your registration so that a return will be filed and funds transferred on an annual basis. I would suggest that you contact the Comptroller's Office for a full explanation of the fund transfer system, Interface with CARS, etc., since they are most familiar with these processes.

Charges for photocopies of ****** plats, maps, lessee lists, and similar official records are not subject to the sales tax. Charges for Laws of Virginia Relating to the ********* of the Commonwealth are subject to the tax.

If we can answer any additional questions, please let us know..


W. H. Forst
State Tax Commissioner

Rulings of the Tax Commissioner

Last Updated 08/25/2014 16:46