Document Number
Tax Type
Individual Income Tax
Abate the full amount of the jeopardy assessment, penalties and interest
Taxpayers' Remedies
Date Issued
October 5, 1982

Re: 58-1118 Application/Jeopardy Assessment:
1982 Income Tax

Dear ****************

This responds to the § 58-1118 application on behalf of your client,****** for correction of a jeopardy assessment issued March 1, 1982, in the amount $

The Department of Taxation issued a jeopardy assessment of $ ******** in income taxes due for the taxable year 1982 against ********* upon learning of his arrest in ********** Virginia, on charges of Conspiracy to Distribute Control Drugs. A tax warrant was issued on March 26, 1982, to the Sheriff of to levy upon the $ ********* cash in ***** possession that was confiscated by the Virginia State Police.

You have forwarded to us a copy, dated August 30, 1982, of the Circuit Court of ********** acquittal of *************** of the Amended Indictment of Possession with Intent to Distribute Cocaine.

As you have stated in your correspondence with the Department, ********* is a resident of North Carolina and has never had any Virginia income.

In view of the foregoing facts, we will abate the full amount of the jeopardy assessment, penalties and interest and notify the Virginia State Police to release the $ ******* in cash in their custody.


W. H. Forst
State Tax Commissioner

Rulings of the Tax Commissioner

Last Updated 08/25/2014 16:46