Document Number
Tax Type
Slaughter Hog and Feeder Pig Excise Tax
Hog Excise Tax
Basis of Tax
Date Issued

Virginia Tax Bulletin

DATE: July 15, 1982

Subject: Hog Excise Tax

H.B. 153, enacted by the 1982 Session of the General Assembly, amends Section 3.1-763.9 by specifying that a sale of slaughter hogs or feeder pigs sold by weight is deemed to be at the time and place of hog or pig is weighed for purchase and its purchase weight is recorded. In addition, the amended law provides that the State Tax Commissioner may make rules and regulations for the interpretation and enforcement of the tax after consulting with the Virginia Pork Industry Commission.

The effective date of the amendment is July 1, 1982.

Questions should be addressed to the Department of Taxation, Offices Services Division, P.O. Box 6-L, Richmond, Virginia 23282, or telephone (804) 257-8046 or the Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Market and Economic Development, P.O. Box 1163, Richmond, Virginia 23209, or telephone (804) 786-8737.

Rulings of the Tax Commissioner

Last Updated 08/25/2014 16:46