Document Number
Tax Type
Retail Sales and Use Tax
Credit for Taxes Paid to Another State;Taxes Erroneously Paid
Rate of Tax
Date Issued
April 19, 1985

Dear ***

This will reply to your letter of March 15, 1985, in which you again question the applicability of the sales and use tax to tangible personal property first used in Virginia but upon which use tax was erroneously paid to Maryland.

The facts of this case, as set forth in my determination of November 9, 1984, are as follows. * * * (``Taxpayer') is a heavy construction contractor which performed repairs to portions of the * * * located in Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia. All materials used by the taxpayer in the performance of its repair contract were delivered to the taxpayer in Virginia, and subsequently shipped by the taxpayer to the Virginia, Maryland, or District of Columbia portions of the bridge. For materials used in the Maryland portion of the bridge, sales and use taxes were remitted to that state rather than Virginia, where first use of the property occurred.

The taxpayer asserts here that it should be granted a credit upon the Virginia sales and use tax for the tax that it erroneously paid to Maryland. Section 58.1-611 of the Code of Virginia (Virginia Code Section 58-441.8 prior to January 1, 1985) indeed provides for the crediting against the Virginia tax of tax paid to another state; however, the drafting of the statute shows an intention to provide such credit only when a sales or use tax was paid to another state on the purchase or first use of an item:

A credit shall be granted against the taxes imposed by this chapter with respect to a person's use in this State of tangible personal property purchased by him in another state. The amount of the credit shall be equal to the tax paid by him to another state or political subdivision thereof by reason of the imposition of a similar tax on his purchase or use of the property.
This interpretation was plainly set forth in Section 1-29 of the Virginia Retail Sales and Use Tax Regulations during the audit period in question:
    • A credit is granted against the use tax charged on tangible personal property bought by a consumer in another state . . . for use in Virginia if a similar tax was charged on the item in the state of purchase. (Emphasis added)
In this case, the taxpayer purchased a substantial number of items from Maryland vendors; however, a tax was not imposed on such purchases because the items purchased were shipped in interstate commerce to Virginia. Accordingly, the first taxable use of the items in question occurred in Virginia and the Virginia tax was properly imposed. Tax was paid to Maryland after the taxpayer's use of the property in Virginia; therefore, a credit is not available since the Maryland tax was not paid upon the purchase or first use of the property. Nor does it appear that credits are available for Maryland sales tax actually paid on Maryland purchases used in the bridge repair project since such purchases were apparently not included in the department's audits.

Based upon the foregoing, I must conclude that the credit provisions of Virginia CodeSection 58.1-611 are inapplicable to the taxpayer in this case. Accordingly, the assessment issued to the taxpayer remains due and payable.

Rulings of the Tax Commissioner

Last Updated 08/25/2014 16:46