Document Number
Tax Type
Retail Sales and Use Tax
Preschool; Exemption criteria
Date Issued
March 5, 1990

Re: Ruling Request: Sales and Use Tax

Dear ****

This has reference to your letter of January 25, 1990 asking whether the ***** (the "taxpayer) qualifies for exemption from the sales and use tax.

The taxpayer is a private, non-discriminatory preschool operated during the school year on church premises, using church Sunday school classroom space. In exchange for the use of this space, the taxpayer allows the Sunday school to use its materials, and makes a monthly donation to the church.

Based on the foregoing, you ask whether the taxpayer qualifies for any sales and use tax exemption.

Since July 1, 1989, the sales and use tax has not applied to "[t]angible personal property purchased for use or consumption by an organization exempt from taxation under §501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and organized primarily for the purposes of operating a state-licensed day-care center or a preschool that hires only certified Public school teachers, and which has a regularly prescribed curriculum." (Emphasis added)

Therefore, in order for the taxpayer to qualify for this exemption it must:
      • be exempt from income taxation under §501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code;
      • hire only certified public school teachers; and,
      • have a regularly prescribed curriculum.
Based on the limited information provided, I find no basis for extending this exemption to the taxpayer. However, if the taxpayer can provide the Department with information showing that it does in fact meet all of the above criteria, we will reconsider this exemption request.


W. H. Forst
Tax Commissioner

Rulings of the Tax Commissioner

Last Updated 08/25/2014 16:46