Document Number
Tax Type
Withholding Taxes
Withholding Virginia Income Tax from Wages Paid to Agricultural Workers
Withholding of Tax
Date Issued


Withholding Virginia Income Tax from Wages Paid
to Agricultural Workers

Virginia law does not require a farmer-employer to withhold Virginia income tax from wages paid to workers employed on the farm to produce, harvest and transport agricultural products on the farm. A new federal law that requires federal withholding from such wages paid after 1989 does not affect the existing exemption in Virginia law.
Federal Law - Wages Paid before 1890

Prior to 1990, wages paid for agricultural labor were exempt from income tax withholding. While exempted from federal income tax withholding, these same wages may have been subject to FICA tax.
Law - Wages Paid after 1989

The federal Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1989 amended IRC §3401 (a)(2) to require employers to withhold federal income tax on wages paid to agricultural workers, if such wages are subject to FICA tax withholding. For purposes of determining who is the employer and required to withhold, the "crew leader" rules applicable to FICA tax withholding are applicable to income tax withholding.

Generally, agricultural workers are subject to FICA tax withholding if they earn at least $150 in annual cash remuneration or are covered because the employer meets the requirements of the employer FICA withholding test. The employer FICA withholding test generally subjects employee wages to FICA withholding if the employer pays more than $2,500 during the year to all employees. Employees who are hand harvest laborers, are paid on a piece rate basis, commute daily to the farm from their permanent residence, and were employed in agriculture less than 13 weeks during the prior year, are exempt from FICA tax withholding.
Virginia Law

Virginia Code §58.1-460 specifically exempts from the definition of wages subject to withholding, amounts paid:
    • For agricultural labor where such remuneration is paid to workers employed on the farm for services rendered on the farm in the production, harvesting, and transportation of agricultural products to market for the farmer-employer;
The recent federal law change has no impact on the Virginia income tax withholding requirements applicable to wages paid to agricultural workers. Agricultural workers subject to federal income tax withholding after 1989 will remain exempt from Virginia income tax withholding

Rulings of the Tax Commissioner

Last Updated 09/17/2014 11:41