Document Number
Bulletin Number
VTB 85-17
Tax Type
General Provisions
Virginia Cattle Tax
Date Issued

Virginia Tax Bulletin
Virginia Department of Taxation

DATE: June 24, 1985

SUBJECT: Virginia Cattle Tax

House Bill 1568, enacted as emergency legislation by the 1985 Session of the General Assembly amends §§ 3.1-796.25, 3.1-796.26 and 3.1-796.27 of the Code of Virginia to transfer authority for collecting and recording the Virginia Cattle Tax from the Virginia Cattle Industry Commission to the Department of Taxation. One of the amendments also requires the Tax Commissioner, upon request, to furnish the Commission with a list of taxpayers paying the cattle tax and the amounts paid.

Beginning July 1, 1985 a purchaser of cattle ("handler") shall deduct from payments made to the producer an assessment of twenty-five cents per head for all cattle and calves sold in Virginia except dairy cattle going back to the farm for milk production and animals selling for less than twenty dollars per head. "Handler" is defined by §3.1-796.3, Code of Virginia as operators of all stock yards, livestock dealerships, slaughter houses, packing plants, and livestock auction markets or any other person or business entity making purchases from a producer. For purposes of the Virginia Cattle Tax, "sold in Virginia" means at the time and place the cattle and calves are weighed for purchase and their purchase weight are recorded. For cattle not sold by weight, the tax shall be levied at the time and place where the buyer takes possession.

The handler, as set out above, must make reports and remit the tax to the Department of Taxation. The returns will cover periods of three months (January 1 through March 31, April 1 through June 30, July 1 through September 30, and October 1 through December 31) and will be due on or before the last day of the month following the period. The cattle tax return for the quarter beginning July 1, 1985 and ending September 30, 1985, should be filed and the tax paid no later than October 31, 1985. The tax is due and payable to the Department of Taxation with the quarterly return. If the tax remains unpaid after the due date, a penalty of five percent of the amount due will be added to the tax. If the tax and penalty is not paid in thirty days from the date of notice sent to the taxpayer by the Department, interest in accordance with § 6621 of the Internal Revenue Code will be assessed from the due date of the original return.

Each handler must keep complete records of all cattle handled by him and must preserve the records for a period of not less than three years following the date the tax is reported on such cattle. The handlers records shall be open for inspection by the Department of Taxation.

Anyone having questions on this bulletin should contact the Department of Taxation, P. O. Box 6-L, Richmond, Virginia 23282, telephone (804) 257-8046, or the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Bureau of Livestock Marketing Services, Washington Building Capital Square, 1100 Bank Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, telephone (304) 786-3935.

Tax Bulletins

Last Updated 08/25/2014 16:44