Document Number
Bulletin Number
VTB 85-19
Tax Type
Cigarette Tax
Discount to Wholesalers
Basis of Tax
Rate of Tax
Date Issued

Effective October 1, 1985, the discount on the sale of state cigarette tax stamps to each qualified wholesaler shall be ten percent of the tax value of state cigarette tax stamps purchased.

The Department of Taxation will not enforce § 630-25-1009 of the Virginia Cigarette Tax Regulations pertaining to discount and has at this time filed with the Registrar of Regulations a Notice of Intended Regulatory Action to amend such section. This notice of intent appeared in the Virginia Register of Regulations which was published on September 2, 1985.

Anyone having questions concerning this bulletin should contact the Department of Taxation, Post Office Box 1301, Richmond, Virginia 23210-1301 or call (804) 257-8465.

Tax Bulletins

Last Updated 08/25/2014 16:44