Scammers and fraudsters often pose as employees of Virginia Tax, the IRS, or other government agencies. Then they contact unsuspecting taxpayers and pressure them in the hopes of obtaining confidential personal information. Some may claim that you violated a tax law, cheated on tax credits, or failed to pay money to the commonwealth, or the federal government. As we head into tax season, here are some pointers to help you freeze out fraud:
Fraudsters use the phone, social media, email, and the United States Postal Service to contact you.
- If you owe taxes to Virginia Tax, we will first contact you via mail by sending a bill to the address we have on file.
- We never ask for personal information through text messages, social media, or other insecure methods.
- We will never send a text message with a link attached, or demanding something from you.
Fraudsters demand immediate payment using a specific payment method such as a prepaid debit card, gift card, or wire transfer.
- We will not demand payment without providing the opportunity to question or appeal.
Fraudsters will threaten you.
- We will never threaten violence.
- We will not have you arrested for failing to pay.
- We will not revoke your driver’s license, business license, or immigration status.
Additional information can be found on our Refund Fraud Prevention page. And you can always contact us with any questions.