Document # Public Document # Document Type Date Issued Sort ascending Description
89-186 89-186 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/27/1989 Refund of erroneously paid tax
89-193 89-193 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/27/1989 ACRS Modifications
89-187 89-187 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/27/1989 Dependent care assistance payments; Sick and disability pay
89-194 89-194 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/27/1989 ACRS Modifications
89-189 89-189 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/27/1989 Funeral directors; Billing to nonprofit nursing homes
89-188 89-188 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/27/1989 Mailing of out-of-state produced materials
06231989 Attorney General's Opinion 06/23/1989 Catereers; County Food and Beverage Tax
89-184 89-184 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/22/1989 Government credit cards
89-183 89-183 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/13/1989 Computer-aided design; Storage fees
89-182 89-182 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/13/1989 Pension income
89-211 89-211 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 06/01/1989 1989 LEGISLATIVE SUMMARY
89-5 89-5 Tax Bulletins 06/01/1989 Interest Rates; Third Quarter 1989
89-179 89-179 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/31/1989 Custom data lists
89-177 89-177 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/31/1989 Audit sampling techniques
89-181 89-181 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/31/1989 Noncustomized computer software; Out-of-state vendor
89-176 89-176 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/31/1989 Church purchase of meals and hotel accommodations; Camp meeting
89-180 89-180 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/31/1989 Interest and dividends received through a mutual fund
89-175 89-175 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/31/1989 Residential youth shelter organization
89-174 89-174 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/31/1989 Church Christmas play; Property purchased by churches
89-178 89-178 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/31/1989 Hospital beds; Medical equipment
89-173 89-173 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/24/1989 Fund raising events; Collection of tax
89-160 89-160 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/22/1989 Residency; Temporary presence in Virginia
89-172 89-172 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/22/1989 Contractor invoices
89-164 89-164 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/22/1989 Interest expense to carry federal obligations
89-168 89-168 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/22/1989 Direct mailing services