Document # Public Document # Document Type Date Issued Sort ascending Description
85-1 85-5 Tax Bulletins 01/11/1985 New Lien Procedures under §58.1-1804
85-3 85-3 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/07/1985 K-Mart vs. Department of Taxation
85-1 85-1 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/07/1985 Foreign currency transactions
85-19 85-19 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/01/1985 Tax Bulletin 1984
85-6 85-6 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/01/1985 Paul D. Boone vs. Department of Taxation; Order of Dismissal
84-259 84-259 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 12/29/1984 Automatic extension for individuals outside of the United States on filing due date
84-262 84-262 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 12/28/1984 Meeting and sleeping room costs for government employees; Hotel
84-254 84-254 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 12/28/1984 Abandonment of Virginia domicile; Part-year return
84-261 84-261 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 12/28/1984 Hotel charges for telephone calls
84-263 84-263 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 12/28/1984 S corporation stockholder basis
84-260 84-260 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 12/28/1984 S corporation nonresident shareholders; Conditions for filing a single return
84-256 84-256 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 12/28/1984 Jeopardy tax assessment
84-257 84-257 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 12/28/1984 Computer software; Leases and rentals
84-253 84-253 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 12/21/1984 Grantors tax; Sale of real estate for delinquent taxes under §6335 I.R.C.
84-255 84-255 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 12/21/1984 Request for abatement of late filing penalty
84-249 84-249 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 12/18/1984 Refund
84-248 84-248 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 12/18/1984 Repurchase Agreements and Master Notes
84-247 84-247 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 12/14/1984 Permission to file a combined return
84-21 85-19 Tax Bulletins 12/14/1984 Amended returns; American Brand, Inc. v. Department of Taxation
84-250 84-250 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 12/14/1984 Abate the interest and estimated tax underpayment penalty assessed
84-245 84-245 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 12/14/1984 Amended returns; Statute of limitations
84-246 84-246 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 12/14/1984 Permission to file a consolidated return denied
84-244 84-244 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 12/14/1984 Motion picture theater rentals
84-252 84-252 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 12/14/1984 Requirements for exemption; Education programs at church conference center
84-243 84-243 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 12/12/1984 Retention of Virginia domicile during foreign absence