Document # Public Document # Document Type Date Issued Sort ascending Description
85-204 85-204 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/28/1985 Permission to file a combined return
85-201 85-201 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/24/1985 Doff tickets used in textile manufacturing
85-200 85-200 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/21/1985 Provision of food and services to airline
85-199 85-199 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/21/1985 Highway construction contractor making sales of asphalt and equipment
85-188 85-188 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/15/1985 Federal limitation on taxation of interstate commerce.
85-189 85-189 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/15/1985 Packaging of surgical supplies; Industrial processing defined
85-190 85-190 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/15/1985 Permission to file a combined return
85-194 85-194 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/15/1985 Glue down carpet sales and installation
85-193 85-193 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/15/1985 "First use" defined; Items first shipped to Virginia for use in other states
85-196 85-196 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/15/1985 Local Historical Society purchase of books and materials for library
85-195 85-195 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/15/1985 Tax exempt corporation operating a public park
85-191 85-191 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/15/1985 Purchases by common carrier
85-198 85-198 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/15/1985 Membership and annual dues; Camping resort
85-192 85-192 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/15/1985 Domicile of Virginia resident who moved overseas.
85-187 85-187 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/15/1985 Personal use of company automobiles
85-197 85-197 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/15/1985 Supplies used by automobile body shop
85-186 85-186 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/09/1985 Registration requirements for sales and use tax
10081985 Attorney General's Opinion 10/08/1985 Failure to Report Conveyance; Land Use Ordinance
85-185 85-185 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/03/1985 Stamping of cigarettes used by manufacturers for research, display or promotional purposes
85-184 85-184 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 09/27/1985 Public service corporations; Minicomputer support systems
85-182 85-182 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 09/26/1985 Permission to file a combined return
85-183 85-183 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 09/26/1985 Addition for lump-sum distribution qualified for federal averaging
85-179 85-179 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 09/26/1985 Computer software licensing agreements
85-181 85-181 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 09/26/1985 Bank operating a parking garage
85-178 85-178 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 09/26/1985 Swimming pool installations