Document # Public Document # Document Type Date Issued Sort ascending Description
14-37 14-37 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 03/19/2014 Manufacturer/ Processor / Equipment that qualifies for the manufacturing exemption.
14-40 14-40 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 03/19/2014 2014 Second Quarter Interest Rates
14-38 14-38 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 03/19/2014 Exemption applies to the lease agreement when the financial institution acts as the lessor of the rail cars. § 58.1-609.3 16
14-36 14-36 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 03/19/2014 A taxpayer must file a complete appeal within 90 calendar days after the date of assessment."
14-35 14-35 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 03/18/2014 Taxpayers were responsible for income tax resulting from their proportional share of VALLC's
13-077 Attorney General's Opinion 03/14/2014 Organization meets the criteria set forth in § 58.1-811(A)(14)
14-34 14-34 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 03/10/2014 Taxpayers computed their NOL carrybacks and carryovers without regard to any Virginia NOLD modifications.
14-32 14-32 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 03/07/2014 Taxpayer is given the responsibility to compute, file and pay their own income tax.
14-33 14-33 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 03/07/2014 The State has the inherent and unlimited power of taxation unless restrained by its Constitution or the Constitution of the United States
14-30 14-30 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 03/05/2014 Taxpayer is permitted a deduction for gross receipts attributable to business conducted in other states
14-29 14-29 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 03/05/2014 Taxpayer is permitted a deduction for gross receipts attributable to business conducted in other states
14-31 14-31 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 03/05/2014 Taxpayer is permitted a deduction for gross receipts attributable to business conducted in other states
14-28 14-28 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 03/04/2014 Assessed for underreporting sales and failure to withhold income tax from employee
14-27 14-27 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 02/28/2014 The fact that a particular software program has been approved by the Department is not meant to imply its computational accuracy.
14-25 14-25 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 02/27/2014 Taxpayer did not complete process of changing domicile and remained a resident.
14-24 14-24 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 02/27/2014 Tax Commissioner is not required to waive the transfer fee based on erroneous telephonic advice.
14-26 14-26 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 02/27/2014 Taxpayers would not abandon their current domiciles and would not be considered domiciliary residents of Virginia
14-22 14-22 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 02/26/2014 Appropriate official reviews business activities within the local jurisdiction.
14-23 14-23 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 02/26/2014 Taxpayer has not furnished any documentation in support of its contentions
14-21 14-21 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 02/25/2014 Taxpayer was a wholesale merchant for the tax years at issue
14-19 14-19 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 02/25/2014 Assessed sales tax on untaxed sales of prepaid telephone access cards
14-20 14-20 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 02/25/2014 Department determined that six of eight Virginia entities were not part of an affiliated group with the Taxpayer because they failed to meet both prongs of the brother-sister test.
14-18 14-18 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 02/20/2014 Extension of Virginia's Conformity to the Federal Enhanced Earned Income Tax Credit to Taxable Years Ending Before January 1, 2018
14-1 14-18 Tax Bulletins 02/20/2014 Extension of Virginia's Conformity to the Federal Enhanced Earned Income Tax Credit to Taxable Years Ending Before January 1, 2018
14-16 14-16 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 02/11/2014 The Court FINDS that bidis are cigarettes under the definition of cigarette found in Va. Code § 3.2-4200