Document # Public Document # Document Type Date Issued Sort ascending Description
13-044 Attorney General's Opinion 08/30/2013 City Treasurer is authorized to enter into an agreement with the local Commonwealth's Attorney for the collection of delinquent court debt
13-168 13-168 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 08/29/2013 Taxpayer failed to timely file protective claims
13-167 13-167 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 08/27/2013 Assessment of use tax on local marketing group be treated as a part of the sales price of tangible products.
13-165 13-165 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 08/23/2013 Affiliated entities claimed exception for all of the royalty and interest deductions on the grounds that they were subject to tax in another state.
13-11 13-166 Tax Bulletins 08/22/2013 Important Information Regarding Sales Tax Collection Requirements for Certain Out-of-State Dealers
13-166 13-166 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 08/22/2013 Important Information Regarding Sales Tax Collection Requirements for Certain Out-of-State Dealers
13-163 13-163 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 08/15/2013 Taxpayer provides management and administrative services to seven operating entities
13-159 13-159 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 08/13/2013 Assessed tax, penalties, and interest for failure to withhold taxes from employee wages
13-162 13-162 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 08/13/2013 Foreign source income subtraction/Consolidated corporate income tax returns
13-160 13-160 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 08/13/2013 Assessed tax, penalties, and interest for failure to withhold taxes from employee wages
13-161 13-161 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 08/13/2013 The Service Members Civil Relief Act
13-157 13-157 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 08/08/2013 A natural gas production contractor manages the drilling and operation of natural gas wells.
13-158 13-158 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 08/08/2013 Taxpayer, subject to the telecommunications minimum tax
13-156 13-156 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 08/06/2013 Protective Claim/Charitable Contribution Carryover/Interest Expense
13-153 13-153 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 08/05/2013 Tax on underreported sales
13-155 13-155 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 08/05/2013 A federally recognized Indian tribe/ Exemptions Filing Requirements
13-154 13-154 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 08/05/2013 Foods eligible for the reduced rate party platters packaged in containers affixed with lids or tops
13-152 13-152 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 08/02/2013 Wholesale distributer of computer cables and related parts.
13-041 Attorney General's Opinion 08/02/2013 Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Virginia, Inc. is exempt from local real and personal property taxes by classification as a hospital conducted not for profit.
13-150 13-150 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 08/02/2013 Reciprocal income tax agreement between Maryland and Virginia
13-151 13-151 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 08/02/2013 Timely Filing of an Appeal
13-147 13-147 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/31/2013 County fails to provide a complete notification to the Taxpayer as required under the Guidelines
13-149 13-149 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/31/2013 Subtraction for Death Benefit Payments from an Annuity
13-148 13-148 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 07/31/2013 Question regarding BPOL to itinerant merchants as a group
13-10 13-146 Tax Bulletins 07/30/2013 Important Information Regarding Virginia Household Employer Annual Withholding