Document # Public Document # Document Type Date Issued Sort ascending Description
18-69 18-69 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/02/2018 Refunds and Statute of Limitations
18-62 18-62 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/02/2018 HB 2313 Refunds, Statute of Limitations to file Appeal
18-73 18-73 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/02/2018 Credit, Tax Paid to Another State
18-66 18-66 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/02/2018 Statute of Limitations, IRS Information, Timeliness of Return
18-77 18-77 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/02/2018 Residency, Domicile and Change of Domicile
18-70 18-70 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/02/2018 Residency, Domicile and Abandonment of Virginia Domicile
18-63 18-63 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/02/2018 Samples; Extrapolation, Church Exemption
18-74 18-74 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/02/2018 Audits, Reporting Federal Changes, Amended Returns
18-67 18-67 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/02/2018 Residency, Domicile
18-78 18-78 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/02/2018 Residency and Part-Year Residents
18-71 18-71 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/02/2018 Pass-Through Entity, Unified Filing Requirements
18-64 18-64 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/02/2018 Erroneous General Ledger Entry, Taxpayers Burden of Proof; Amended Returns
18-75 18-75 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/02/2018 Exemption, Federal Adjusted Gross Income, Convention with Japan
18-68 18-68 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/02/2018 Foreign Source Income, Domicile, Subtraction, Failure to Provide Information
18-72 18-72 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/02/2018 Subtractions, Foreign Source Income and Form over Substance
18-65 18-65 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/02/2018 Purchases, Residential Contractor, Taxpayer Records,
18-76 18-76 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 05/02/2018 Subtractions, Foreign Source Income and Pass-Through Entity
18-61 18-61 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/30/2018 Residency and Domicile
18-59 18-59 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/25/2018 Food Waste Due to Poor Food Quality and Retailer's Coupons
18-60 18-60 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/25/2018 Food Quality, Retailer Coupons and Fixed Assets
18-58 18-58 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/25/2018 Domicile, Based on Available Information and Residency
18-54 18-54 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/19/2018 Residency, Domicile and Taxpayer Records
18-55 18-55 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/19/2018 Husband and Wife, Different States, Itemized Deductions, Military and Personal and Dependent Exemption
18-57 18-57 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/19/2018 Residency and Domicile
18-56 18-56 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 04/19/2018 Residency, Domicile and Airline Pilot