Document # Public Document # Document Type Date Issued Sort ascending Description
23-5 23-5 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/06/2023 Filing Status: Change - Permission not required when only one entity subject to Virginia tax
23-2 23-2 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 01/06/2023 Exemption: Pollution Control Equipment - Restrictions in Notice of Sales Tax Exemption
22-160 22-160 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 12/30/2022 Assessment: Estimated - Best info available
Sales : Convenience Store; Non-Food Sales, Credit for Tax Paid, Exempt Sales, Phone Cards
Offer in Compromise : Doubtful Collectability
22-164 22-164 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 12/30/2022 Definite Place of Business: Government Facilities - Continuous Services at A Federal Military Base
Gross Receipts : Situs - Services
Administration: Authority to Impose Tax - Federal Area included in City; Discriminatory Enforcement - Beyond the Scope of the Local Appeals Process
Officer In Compromise - Locality Discretion
22-161 22-161 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 12/30/2022 Exemption: Insurance Company Premiums
22-162 22-162 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 12/30/2022 Administration : Appeal - Reconsideration Requirements; Assessments - Interest
Converted Assessment : Responsible Officer
22-163 22-163 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 12/30/2022 Miscellaneous Taxes: Disposable Plastic Bag Tax - Entities Subject to Tax
Administration: Refunds - Requirements
22-159 22-159 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 12/20/2022 Exemption: Drugs and Medicine - Prescription Pet Food
22-158 22-14 Tax Bulletins 12/14/2022 Virginia's Interest Rates will Change for the First Quarter of 2023
22-13 22-157 Tax Bulletins 12/01/2022 Disposable Plastic Bag Tax Enacted in Albemarle County and the Cities of Charlottesville and Fairfax
22-153 22-153 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 11/16/2022 Administration: Statute of Limitations - Amended Return Claiming A Refund
22-154 22-154 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 11/16/2022 Administration : Returns - Payment
Residency : Domicile - Failure to Abandon
Credit : Tax Paid to Another State
22-151 22-151 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 11/16/2022 Residency: Domicile - Did not abandon former domicile
Residency: Nonresident - Retirement income
22-155 22-155 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 11/16/2022 Residency: Domicile - Sufficient Documentation of Intent to Change
22-152 22-152 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 11/16/2022 Subtractions: Unemployment Benefits - American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)
22-156 22-156 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 11/15/2022 Administration : Entitlement for Sports or Entertainment Project - Calculation, Procedures for Localities, Retailers, Contractors, Distribution; Reporting to General Assembly.
22-12 22-150 Tax Bulletins 10/31/2022 Grocery Tax Rate Reduction
22-149 22-149 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/11/2022 Net Operating Loss: Deduction (NOLD) - Election to Forego Carryback
Administration: Offer in Compromise - Penalty and Interest Waiver
22-146 22-146 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/07/2022 Administration: Jurisdiction
22-147 22-147 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/07/2022 Administration: Appeal - Lack of Jurisdiction for Tax on Personal Vehicles
22-148 22-148 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/07/2022 Administration: Appeal - Lack of Jurisdiction for Tax on Personal Vehicles
22-145 22-145 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/07/2022 Administration: Jurisdiction
22-144 22-144 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 09/29/2022 Guidelines for the Application of the Retail Sales and Use Tax to Sales of Accommodations Facilitated by Accommodations Intermediaries
22-140 22-140 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 09/28/2022 Deduction: Itemized - Charitable Contributions and Employee Business Expense
Administration: Audit - Incomplete Records
22-141 22-141 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 09/28/2022 Residency: Domicile - Failure to Abandon
Administration: Written Advice - Requirements for Reliance