Document # Public Document # Document Type Date Issued Sort ascending Description
15-194 15-194 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/16/2015 Clarification of the nexus requirement with Virginia and the requirements to register for the collection and remittance of retail sales and use tax.
15-195 15-195 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/16/2015 A Virginia resident is subject to taxation by the state of Virginia.
15-196 15-196 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/16/2015 Taxation of rental accommodations.
15-193 15-193 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/07/2015 Out-of-State Tax Credit; Withholding
15-192 15-192 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/02/2015 Activities done by subcontractors must be considered in determining the nature of the services the Taxpayer offered to its customer.
15-190 15-190 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 09/30/2015 Taxpayer was not a resident of Virginia for the taxable year and should file a part-year return.
15-191 15-191 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 09/30/2015 Department finds it doubtful that the Taxpayer took sufficient steps to establish a physical presence in State B.
15-189 15-189 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 09/30/2015 Estimated tax; Taxpayers' underpaid withholding tax towards their liability..
15-188 15-188 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 09/29/2015 When an employer fails to withhold sufficient taxes, the Taxpayer is still required to file a return to report his income
15-187 15-187 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 09/28/2015 Taxpayer failed to file an amended VA return, after deduction was denied by the IRS.
15-186 15-186 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 09/28/2015 Taxpayer did not maintain sufficient connections to maintain State A domicile.
15-179 15-179 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 09/24/2015 The Taxpayer made exempt sales that were disallowed because there were no valid or properly completed exemption certificates supporting the exempt sales.
15-183 15-183 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 09/24/2015 Taxpayer moved to Virginia and established domicile in August of the taxable year at issue. Because the taxpayer was not a resident of Virginia for the entire taxable year, he was required to file a part-year resident return.
15-180 15-180 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 09/24/2015 The Taxpayer was given the opportunity to provide a complete appeal prior to the expiration of the statute of limitations to appeal, and it has not been filed.
15-184 15-184 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 09/24/2015 Business bad debts: Employee- Shareholder responsible for loan payback
15-181 15-181 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 09/24/2015 The burden of proof is on the Taxpayer to show he was not subject to income tax in Virginia. Taxpayer has failed to meet this burden
15-185 15-185 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 09/24/2015 Taxpayer did not file a Virginia income tax return, the Department made an assessment based on the information it had available pursuant to Va. Code § 58.1-111.
15-182 15-182 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 09/24/2015 A taxpayer has the burden of proving that he or she abandoned his or her Virginia domicile. If the information is inadequate to meet this burden, the Department must conclude that he or she intended to remain indefinitely in Virginia.
15-176 15-176 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 09/23/2015 Taxpayer failed to maintain adequate records during the audit period to substantiate actual sales tax liabilities.
15-177 15-177 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 09/23/2015 The service member maintained significant connections with State A and did not establish a Virginia domicile for the taxable year. The spouse did not and was a Virginia resident subject to tax.
15-178 15-178 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 09/23/2015 Taxpayer could not establish domicile in State A until he established his physical presence there with the necessary intent to remain permanently or indefinitely. Taxpayer remained taxable as a domiciliary resident of Virginia for the entire taxable year.
15-7 15-175 Tax Bulletins 09/21/2015 2015 Fourth Quater Interest Rates
15-175 15-175 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 09/21/2015 2015 Fourth Quarter Interest Rates
15-174 15-174 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 09/10/2015 Taxpayer, a provider of information technology services, has a definite place of business in the Town. If its employees are not working at customer facilities on a regular and continuous basis, thus not required to get a business license for each customer location.
15-173 15-173 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 09/08/2015 The Department determined in P.D. 15-18 that the pollution control equipment at issue did not qualify for the exemption from the M&T tax allowed under Va. Code § 58.1­-3660 because it was not certified as pollution control equipment as of the 2013 tax day.