Document # Public Document # Document Type Date Issued Sort ascending Description
17-206 17-206 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 12/13/2017 Cable Franchise Fees
17-199 17-199 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 12/13/2017 Definition of Sales Price, FCC and PPG Fees
17-203 17-203 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 12/13/2017 Amended Returns
17-13 17-198 Tax Bulletins 12/12/2017 First Quarter Interest Rates for 2018
17-195 17-195 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 11/16/2017 Virginia Source Income, Foreign Corporations, Returns, Nexus, Tax Treaty, Filing Requirements
17-188 17-188 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 11/16/2017 Labor Charges, Gross Sales Reported, Records
17-192 17-192 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 11/16/2017 Subtractions, Payroll Expense, Disallowed Payroll Expense Deductions, Corporate Federal Tip Credit
17-185 17-185 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 11/16/2017 Sales of Power Equipment to Farmers, Dealers, Agricultural Exemption, Exemption Certificates
17-196 17-196 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 11/16/2017 Domicile, Withholding
17-189 17-189 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 11/16/2017 Audit Sample, Purchases, Manufacturing Exemption
17-193 17-193 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 11/16/2017 Domicile and Change of Domicile
17-186 17-186 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 11/16/2017 Manufacturer of Medical and Dental Products
17-197 17-197 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 11/16/2017 Federal Adjusted Gross Income, Audit, Federal Changes, Taxpayer Advocate Service
17-190 17-190 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 11/16/2017 Filing Requirements, Statute of Limitations,
17-194 17-194 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 11/16/2017 Statute of Limitations, Refunds
17-187 17-187 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 11/16/2017 Real Property Contractors, Real Property vs. Tangible Personal Property, Classification
17-191 17-191 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 11/16/2017 Domicile, Actual Resident, Nonfiler
17-183 17-183 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/17/2017 Request for Change of Filing Status
17-184 17-184 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/17/2017 Nonfiler, Domiciliary Resident,
17-181 17-181 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/17/2017 Recordation Tax, Deed of Trust, Real Property, Valuation, Exemption
17-182 17-182 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/17/2017 Nonfiler, Incorrect federal W-2's, Subject to Pay Taxes
17-180 17-180 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/13/2017 Treatment of Certain Real Property Contractors, Dealers, Installations
17-179 17-179 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/12/2017 Domicile, Residency
17-178 17-178 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 10/04/2017 Dealers and Services
17-177 17-177 Rulings of the Tax Commissioner 09/25/2017 Business Tangible Personal Property, Fair Market Value, Automated Racking System